Sunday, August 16, 2015

Conservatives-in name only.

The people who call themselves conservative are not-not even close. Whenever I meet someone who tells me that they are,I bet them to define it. The bet is $20 to 20 cents. I always win the bet. The father of the American conservative movement, Barry Goldwater did not give birth to these bastards. To Goldwater, government did not belong in your bedroom or doctor's office. (his daughter was gay). Conservatives were for stable markets which allowed for long term investments..not these guys who threaten market stability by threatening to shut down the government. He was also for conservation (get it ..conserve?) that you don't us up resources that you can't forests, streams,parts..something you cannot replace. Was Goldwater imperfect..yes he was somewhat of a racist-and was against Martin Luther King Jr.Birthday as a holiday (As was Dick Chaney-but that's another story) and he was right on Viet Nam. The thing that also separated Goldwater from today's GOP is that he was capable of putting country over party by going to Nixon and telling him that it was best to resign. In today's political climate he'd be booting out of his party. Today if President Obama said it was Tuesday and some member agreed with him he'd be chastised. To all those who claim to be conservative or know someone who claims they are and you really want to stick it to them..offer them a copy of Goldwater's autobiography "With No Apologies"'ll win the bet.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

happy to be back

I've been wanting to get back here for a while..will be writing on everything from politics..a lot on that one..sociological and even comic books and my love of history..hope you find my work interesting and thought provoking and making just provoking in general..and just plain fun...looking forward to your journey here with me..