Monday, January 11, 2010

both political parties are dysfunctional

Over the last few days we've had the revelation from the Democratic Party that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said about President Obama that "the country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate especially one like Obama-a light skinned African-American with no Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one." It is debatable that this is actually a political reality and not a racist comment-even though there has been a call for Mr.Reid to resign.
Michael Steele has become the embattled Chairman of The Republican National Committee because of a book tour he has started on a book the Republican Party never knew about. Mr.Steele has also lied about the events of the book,including when it was written (he claims it was before he became RNC chair-even though he talks about events since the appointment) and basically has threatened party leaders to fire him.
On the most recent Bill Moyer's Journal,Mother Jones writers David Korn and Kevin Drum discussed the insidious nature of the role of big money in the political process-especially in the banking industry where after the recent bailouts,its back to business as usual with bankers getting multi-million dollar bonuses.One of the problems covered on the program was the failure of the media to cover the issues of corporate greed and the role of money in politics. If the issue isn't covered it doesn't become one of great concern to most Americans. For example, how much coverage has there been by Britain to tax the bonuses of large bailout corporate executives at 50%? How much coverage has such a similar proposal to tax the corporate bonuses by Congressman Dennis Kucinish gotten? If you are not a political observer,there is no sense of immediacy, no chance of a sense of outcry. What is covered are the tea baggers who make a lot noise-which is dramatic and thus makes headlines. A proposal to address a specific issue does not.
The frustration of Mr.Moyer,Korn and Drum at the insidious nature of money in the political process was evident during this program. Is it any wonder that the infections of money and trivialities in both parties prevent anything from getting done? Is it any wonder, that even after teetering on the brink of another depression that its back to business as usual?

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