Thursday, January 28, 2010

Bravo Obama and The Governor of Virginia

The contrast between President Obama and the Governor of Virginia was fascinating. While the president was articulate,forceful and very specific,witty and realistic, the new Governor of Virginia seemed out of the Robert Redford movie The Candidate-right out of central casting. Every line was out of a Conservative script. Nothing was related to any specific issue. It was as if he had a string behind his neck and talking about the smaller role of government,about states rights, about the government taking over health care, about the government bailout,about the government,about the government causing high unemployment. Cut to the tearfully smiling wife; cut to the tearful beautiful teenage daughter (at least he didn't offer his daughter out for dates). After a while I couldn't watch it anymore. The governor spoke in rebuttal without apparently listening to the speech. There is no Republican health care plan. Does he not know that medicare, Medicaid, the health care of congress and the VA are the most efficient health care delivery system? Doesn't he know that states are hemorrhaging in debt and laying off essential workers? Doesn't he know that the auto industry as we know it would have coll aped without the government bailout? What would that have done to employment in his state? Doesn't he know that unemployment would be closer to higher double digits without the government bailout? Doesn't he know that without the bailout (which the president noted that no one really likes) kept the US from the Greater Depression and a greater foreclosure rate? (Cut to the smile and the script-cut to rousing crowd cheers).
What bizarro world are these guy living in? It was the reckless behavior bordering on anarchy of the Bush years reading from the same script that got us into this mess. This is psychotic..not politics.

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