Thursday, April 1, 2010

Too much is never enough...politcally and otherwise..

When I was in high school I came home from school one day with a report card that I was very proud of. I had an 88% average that was better than most of the students in my school. I was a writer on the school paper and a member of two sports teams. When I showed my father my report card he said "why isn't it a 90?" I remmber being hurt,frustrated and thinking "what more could I do". President Obama recently decided to approve offshore drilling as part of US energy policy. This is a decision that those on the left were shocked by and seemed like an act of betrayal and brought memories of Sarah Pallin's almost mocking approach of "drill baby drill".
The president seems to have taken a middle ground regarding limited oil drilling. It seems that the president is making some consessions to the right regarding US energy policy-a very adult like approach of "not all or nothing". The response by House Minority leader John Boehner is that the president hasn't gone far enough and that there should be more expansive drilling including areas in pristine,protected areas of Alaska.
When I read this,I found myself both laughing and filled with a sense of familarity of this situation. It just seems that no matter what the president does, no matter how far he reaches out to the Republican leadership-88%-98% will never be good enough.

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