Thursday, April 22, 2010

Show me your papers....

I remember this line in most World War 2 movies where a German Nazi official-usually an SS officer, would confront likely suspects and enemies of the Third Reich. This was a way of smoking out "un-Nazis"-for the most part Jews. The movie "The Great Escape" comes to mind") If your papers were not in order, your life was literally in danger or deportation or physical harm. This situation is what Arizona is going to be like if a bill passes that would allow law enforcement officials to confront suspected illegal aliens. The law would basically legalize racial and ethnic profiling and allow officials to confront, harass, and arrest people suspected of being undocumented and of being the "wrong color". This racist bill is being supported by of all people that "don't call me a maverick" John McCain who for political reasons is going so far to the right that he makes Hammurabi seem like a liberal. The claim by Arizona officials is that the federal government is not doing enough to control our borders. They are not completely wrong on this issue. There are about a half million illegals in Arizona. and obviously something has to be done. There obviously has to be some change in our immegration laws-some sort of amnesty or perhaps not confirring automatically citizenship on children of illegal immegrants.
As the son of Holocaust survivors, I am against the "show me your papers" fascist approach to US immegration policy. Anyone...anyone including several Arizona congressman would be open to being question. (This is like driving while being Black in many places). This is not my America and its not the place my parents came to to start a new life in the US. We don't need our law enforcement officials to became 21st century versions of SS officers.

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