Thursday, September 9, 2010

Revisionist History On Iraq

Iraq was an unprovoked war-without an enemy. There wss in intelligence that there was a threat to the WMD. The Downing Street memo noted that there was no evidence of WMD and that there was no terrorist threat from Saddam Hussain. President Bush deliberately ignored information by Ambassador Joseph Wison noting that there was no uranium for a potential bomb. At a White House Press Correspondants Dinner (available on youtube) President Bush actually made a joke about looking for the WMD under the dais he was speaking from. Children of only about 10% of the population were sacrificed for a battle that chicken hawks like Bush,Chaney and Rumsfeld pushed as part of a broader global strategy to transform the middle east. The lives of the disposable (not their children were sacrificed for what was basically a war game-that was also suppose to pay for itself. Sometimes people do die in vain. This is the continuing case in Iraq even after the alledged end to our combat role. Do you really think if there was a draft and the children of Bush and Chaney were at risk to combat, that the war would have been so cavalierly entered into?)
Now we have revisionist history about the war from President Obama and Vice President Biden-who basically have been praising President Bush for his role in the war and for his concern for the soldiers and their families. (Bush did not attend the funeral of any downed soldier and images of the returned coffins were not televised to shield the public from the impact of the war.
In spite of his opposition to the war, President Obama is pulling his punches and quite frankly not telling the truth about the war in Iraq and the false claims leading to the invasion and attempts at nation building and the subsequent distraction of the terrorist threat of Ben-Ladin in Afghanistan. The President and the justice department are pulling their punches and being passive to the heartless committing of war crimes by Bush, Chaney,and Rumsfeld, leading to the killing and maiming of over 4,000 troops,those suffering from emotional problems (including the disturbing levels of suicides) and the killing of over 100,000 Iraquis.
The President and Vice President are not telling the truth and reshaping the discussion which again is another casulty of war: the truth. Bush and Chaney need to not be praised but comdemned and prosected. Lets not make another horrific joke by looking under yet another table for the truth, when its sitting there right in front of us..sort of like the white elephant in the home of any addictive family.

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