Monday, December 28, 2009

As we celebrate the new year let's ring in 1939?

Paul Krugman in today's Times,rightfully calls 2009 "The Big Zero"..where nothing went right,no gains were made financially and no one apparently learned any lessons about bubbles of any kind. It was a year when the curtains were pulled back revealing a corrupt greed filled, delusional financial culture, where people believed in magic. Which brings us to the question, what does this have to do with 1939?
For starters 1939 was the year of The Wizard of Oz (hence pulling the curtain on magic). 1939 brought us probably the best year ever in movies with Gone With The Wind,Good Bye Mr.Chips,The Hunch Back of Notre Dame and Mr.Smith Goes to Washington (In 2009,to quote Howard Ogden, it would be without the happy ending.
1939 was the year in which Batman made his first appearance. It was the year of the World's Fair in New York's Flushing Meadow.La Guguardia Airport was opened. New York saw the completion of The Whitestone Bridge, The Brooklyn Queens Expressway and the Kosciusko Bridge (which New Yorker's pronounce many ways-named for the Polish born military engineer who helped the US during our war for Independence.)Regular television broadcasts started.
So let's bid adieu to 2009 and look forward to the hopes for 1939?

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