Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mother Teresa and Tiger Woods. Part 1

As you are reading this, I hope you are asking yourself 'what could these two people possibly have in common?" Here's the connection. In 1997 when both Mother Teresa and Princess Dianah died, the majority of the news coverage went to Princess Dianah. The three major news networks sent their top anchors to cover the events surrounding Princes Dianah. Princess Dianah's life took precedent over someone who has subsequently considered for sainthood for her work with the poorest of the poor.

Ok back to Tiger Woods. In today's local New York newspapers: The Daily News,The New York Post and Newsday have Tiger Woods picture on the front page. On the front page. We are engaged in two wars in Afghanistan and Iraq where the physical and emotional live of soldiers and their family are taking a deadly toll. We are talking about Tiger Woods. We see the results of horrible health care system that is being blathered about by congress when people literally die each day for a lack of health insurance. WE are taking about Tiger Woods.
This week is also the one year anniversary of the Bernie Madoff scandal that ruined the lives of many investors. People are losing their homes each day due to foreclosures. More and more children are falling into poverty. The US has 5 times the amount of people in jail than most countries and we are focused on Tiger Woods.
Barbara Ehrenreich has said that "America id addicted to wars of distraction". Bernard Shaw said that "there is a catagory of journalists who are unable to distinguish between a bicycle accident and the collapse of a civilisation." Is it any wonder that we have an electorate who often vote against their own best interests.It is any wonder that many have lost their ability to critically think? Is it any wonder that "intellect" has become a pejoritive term? We have an electorate who believes in death squads. We have an electorate, who may believe that we have a president who is not an American. We have over 10% unemployment in the US and page one is of Tiger Woods. We have a country where where a small mostly right wing males are trying to turn back the clock on a woman's right to chose-and we are focused on Tiger Woods.
How does he repair his image? How will this effect the economics of golf? How will this effect Tiger's legacy? If anything should come out of this is a closer look on sexual addiction. (Tiger Woods-and sexual addictino Part 2 the subject of this next posting)

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