Friday, December 4, 2009

greed and the shaping of the message.

Command of the vehicle of the message defines just what the message is. It shapes what the population thinks is important and shapes the debate regardless of the truth of the message. Frank Lutz the rightwing commentator and selfstyled media linguist is very good at shaping language to fit the benefits of a particular ideology. (In his case a far right one). The problem with Mr.Lutz's great skill, is that he doesn't care about the truth or the consequences of his work and who might get hurt. The book "What's Wrong With Kansas?" by Thomas Frank shows perfectly how the right by shaping the message on apparent social/morality issues have gotten people to vote against their own economic interests. Command of the media defines what is intellectual and who is not. Bill Kristol is described as a great political who? By whose definition? He is credible only because those who control the airwaves-the communications elite such as Ruppert Murdock says he is. The Glenn Becks of the world are given air time, not because they are journalists. not because of any great intellect, but because he sells. This is not about a political disagreement, this is about acting out-like a group therapy session where there is no therapist to set limits-its about selling without concerns for the content. I think Dick Cavett once said that people will keep selling crap as long as there is a market for it. Mr.Beck by the way, has no journalistic credentials and is also a recovering alcoholic-who is probably a dry drunk..he is still acting out. Mr.Beck has no boundaries-knows no interpersonal limits, with no regard for accuracy-which Fox executives know, but don't care because the message-regardless of the potential to incite..sells. This is not about truth, about politics, about the rights of an informed electorate, its about greed and almost sociopathic disregard for the consequences of the product being sold.

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