Tuesday, December 15, 2009

some random thoughts

re: release of emails on Valerie Plame-isn't the outing of a CIA operative treason? So how come no one has been charged?
re: the white house gate crashers: how come they haven't been arrested? Guess this is an unreality show
re: Liz Chaney and her call to war..if she is so gun ho about the war in Afghanistran, enlist. Seems like she is following in the footsteps of her chickenhawk father who had three draft deferrals..the last one being due to the birth of (guess who?) Liz Chaney. Love it when people who didn't serve in the miliary like Bush,Rumsfeld and Chaney so easily send other people's children to war. Guess the Bush twins were too busy doing other things. Would Bush see the humor or make jokes during the White House Press Corp dinner a few years ago about looking for WMD's under his podium if his children were at risk?
If I could turn the political clock back to one recent day in recent history it would be during the last Bush-Kerry debate. Instead of defending the charges about Swiftboating-I would've loved to have Kerry ask Bush:" ok, let's put aside the Swiftboat charge. Let's not debate that. There is no doubt that I was there correct? Ok then. Here's my question. Where were you?" Wonder how different history might be.
President Obama's meeting with the heads of the banking industry. Here's one idea. Any company that got any government bailout money, should not be able to lobby or make any political contributions. Wouldn't that be like giving matches to the guy who burned down your house?

Just a few thoughts here..

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