Friday, December 11, 2009

With No Apologies..

This was the title of Barry Goldwater's biography. Goldwater is considered the Father of modern conservatism. The question I have is would Goldwater even be part of the convervative party or the right of the Republican Party today.. While Goldwater was no angel (he voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 he was pretty clear on a few basic points about government. Including a balanced budget. Yet his heir to the title of the head of convervatism Ronald Reagan had the national debt quadruple under his watch."Liberal" Bill Clinton balanced the budget, left office with a budget surplus and shrank the level of government to 1960's level. (Clinton also added 100,000 police to the streets under his watch-so much for conversatives claim that the have been the "law and order" party.
Goldwater was a true conversative in hid belief of the protection of natural resources knowing that once a resource is lost, its lost and off your ledger of economic assets. Yet his inheritors Reagen again said that trees caused more pollution than cars. God help as, Sarah Pallin's environmental credential are "drill baby drill" Hardly a Goldwater view of the environment. Goldwater was for a limited role of government beliving that was goes on in your bedroom and your doctor's office was no one's business. As late as 1994 Goldwater said of today's conservatives "they think I've turned liberal because I believe that a woman has a right to an abortion. That's a decision that's up to the pregnant woman and not up to the pope or some do-gooder on the right. Its not a conservative issue at all."
Goldwater was also an advocate for Gay rights. In the 1990's Barry Goldwater was in favor of Gays in the military. During this time, Goldwater also worked to end job discrimination against Gays in Phoenix-believing that access to equal employment was a constitutional right. Hardly a position that today's conservatives would embrace. In today's political climate,there would be no room for the father in his family. Talk about being dysfunctional.

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